Terra Galleria Photography

Posts Tagged ‘American Samoa’

Under-Over Water Split Shots: Challenges and Solutions

http://www.terragalleria.com/blog/under-over-water-split-shots-challenges-and-solutions Under-over split shots are some of the most technically difficult photographs I have attempted. In this piece, I review the challenges and solutions behind my latest attempt on Ofu Island in American Samoa, including even an instructive experiment with AI. If you are curious about everything that goes on behind those types of photographs […]

American Samoa Cultural Vignettes

https://www.terragalleria.com/blog/american-samoa-cultural-vignettes/ While this series has largely focused on natural experiences, the National Park of American Samoa was also established to preserve and celebrate Samoan culture. Its mission includes safeguarding cultural traditions and ensuring they remain vibrant and relevant. In that spirit, this piece showcases various aspects of Samoan culture through a collection of photos taken […]

The Ultimate Guide to Ofu Island, American Samoa

https://www.terragalleria.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-ofu-island-american-samoa As the crown jewel of the National Park of American Samoa, Ofu Island is the tropical beach paradise many travelers dream about. However, there is little information about Ofu, most of it incomplete, outdated, or wrong. Based on insider information I acquired during two visits to Ofu, I remedy this situation and provide tips […]

Coconut Crab Hunting

https://www.terragalleria.com/blog/coconut-crab-hunting Going for a walk in the forest at night and in the rain may sound like a strange activity. However, joining a coconut crab hunt turned out to be an unexpected highlight of my stay in Ofu. Throughout our second day on Ofu Island, the storm did not relent much. Between the episodes of […]

A Week on Ofu Island: Setbacks in Paradise

https://www.terragalleria.com/blog/a-week-on-ofu-island-setbacks-in-paradise Summary: a personal account of a week on Ofu Island in the National Park of American Samoa during which carefully-laid plans were thwarted by a combination of weather, equipment failures, and transportation issues threatening to leave us stranded in the South Pacific. My friend Tommy travels without plans or expectations. This approach, increasingly popular […]

Visiting the National Park of American Samoa: Tuitula

Despite its small size, the National Park of American Samoa is one of the most beautiful parks of the system, graced with stunning white sand beaches, pristine coral reefs, towering sea cliffs, and lush, forested mountains. American Samoa, in the Southern Hemisphere, right in the center of Polynesia, is the southernmost US territory and the […]

Photo Spot 57: National Park of American Samoa – Siu Point, Ta’u Island

The National Park of American Samoa is located in the South Pacific, in the Southern Hemisphere, right in the center of Polynesia, making it the most remote of the 58 National Parks. Its slightly different name (not “American Samoa National Park”) reflects on its status: The National Park of American Samoa is situated on a […]