Terra Galleria Photography

Posts Tagged ‘coyote creek’

Wildlife along the Trail

https://www.terragalleria.com/blog/wildlife-along-the-trail “Landscape without wildlife is just scenery” is a quote used by Kris Tompkins, the subject of the inspirational Wild Life (2023) movie, to discuss the world’s largest rewilding project that she and Doug Tompkins initiated in Patagonia. It would appear that the ribbon of land along suburban Coyote Creek Trail isn’t doing too badly […]

The Trouble with Wilderness

https://www.terragalleria.com/blog/the-trouble-with-wilderness Finding meaning often begins with crafting a personal narrative. When we shape our experiences into stories, we discover clarity, purpose, and a deeper connection to ourselves. With that in mind, while reflecting on my work in landscape photography, I realized that its development mirrored the historic evolution of the genre, and also of environmentalism. […]