Posted on January 28, 2025, 5:20 pm, by QT Luong, under
Announcements. After spending a quarter-century photographing the vast, iconic landscapes of America’s national parks, I turned my attention to the landscapes of my own city, San Jose, California. This shift in my practice mirrors an evolution in environmental thought: from conserving distant wilderness to embracing an inclusive ecology that acknowledges the complex, intertwined relationship between […]
Posted on January 10, 2025, 10:23 pm, by QT Luong, under
Uncategorized. In 2024, although I went on two vastly differing trips outside of California, I traveled even less than last year. Instead, I engaged in reflection about my practice and focused again on photographing close to home, resulting in some progress towards new directions. It was not entirely by design. There were many unique opportunities […]