2006 was relatively uneventful with the kids keeping us so busy that we had to switch back to the lunar calendar, and still a week late. Minh-Dan turned out to be a more difficult baby than Vi-Van. Until he was eight month old, he would wake up in the middle of the night, and demand to be carried around. Just holding him while seating, or even standing in one place wouldn't do. We had to walk around. We tried to ignore him, but he would throw out terrible tantrums that could easily last one hour, after which we would give up so that the other occupants of the house could get some sleep. He generally has a bad temper. He would cry and bang his head against the floor when something is taken from him, either because he shouldn't play with it, or because his ill-mannered sister likes to yank his toys. We were hoping that with their close ages, the two of them would be able to play together, but instead they often end up fighting together for toys or food. Guess we have to wait a few more years... Feeding was another difficulty. He refused the bottle completely, so Lanchi had to breast-feed him, eventually with the aid of a supplemental system when her milk ran out. Still, he was not taking in enough milk and was not too keen on solid food either. During that time, his weight dropped from the 90th percentile at birth, to lower than 5th percentile. The doctors panicked. After a dozen of specialists and series of tests, the final verdict was: forget about fruits and vegetables, feed him french fries, chicken nuggets, ice cream, those greasy, carb-ladden food that one normally tries to limit from a baby's diet. Well, it worked. By contrast, despite the doctor's orders, Vi-Van is still stuck on the bottle, an addiction difficult to break since she wouldn't eat much besides. Recently, Minh-Dan has turned into a better eater than his sister, trying and accepting a wide variety of foods, even papadum galettes from India that Lanchi's parents find too spicy for their taste, whereas Vi-Van just says "Cai, Cai", which means in Vietnamese "hot, hot" when she sees the package. We didn't realize the speed of Vi Van's transformation from a baby to a pretty little girl until we worked on our online family album that you can check at http://www.terragalleria.com/family/ She is fun-loving and vocalizes a lot, although it wasn't until recently, and with the help of a therapist, that she made significant progress in speech. Despite missing her home and her routine, Tuan's mom stayed with us until April. At the end of January, Tuan and her traveled for ten days to Southern California, a break from the winter and the screaming kids. In April, Tuan took her back to Paris. Although he had been to England several times for academic activities, he didn't have good photographs, so he planned to take a week to remedy this situation. Tuan's mom was interested in joining, since she had never been to England. All hotel and train reservations were made, but at the Saint-Lazare station mom's was denied entry. Although she is a permanent resident in France, as a non-EU national, a visa was required (which was not the case for other EU countries). The visa delay was too long, so Tuan had to go by himself. An Englishman with whom Tuan chatted on the train apologized on the behalf of the Queen. The first family trip of the year consisted of a week in Orlando, Florida. It was fun to share a pool-equipped rental house and activities with the families of Lanchi's three sisters. A total of eight kids were running around all the time. We also had a great time meeting Lanchi's aunts, uncles and cousins. We spent a nice Eater lunch together, a party of almost 40 people. Thanks to our aunts and uncles, we got free Disneyworld tickets, otherwise, it would have costed a fortune to get the whole gang pass Disney's door. However, because of the long lines that invariably last several times longer than the attractions themselves, the frenzy crowds, the heat and lack of shade, our first theme park vacation did not leave us wanting more. On the next two family trips, we rented a mini-van and drove to more relaxing destinations with Lanchi's parents. In August, when most other places in the country would be too warm, we took a 10-day road trip to Oregon to sample the variety of the state, from Crater Lake National Park, to otherworldly geological formations set in the sparsely populated eastern deserts, the lush Columbia River Gorge, Portland, and a long drive along most of the length of the coast. For a change from all this driving, in September, we based ourselves for a week in a time-share condo near Lake Tahoe. Unfortunately, we didn't know that it could be very windy there at this time of the year. In the end, although Vi-Van loves the water, we had less beach sessions and more day trips to Nevada towns. Tuan also went on two photography trips. At the end of June, he was invited to join the Ken Burns crew during their filming of Glacier Bay National Park on a chartered boat. The opportunity was difficult to pass: instead of spending a week on a kayak, this time he didn't even have to pack a water bottle. Since he was already in Alaska, he continued to Anchorage, to revisit two of the Alaska National Parks. He planned to paddle the Northwestern Fjord, which is the most beautiful in Kenai Fjords (while it is more easy to access, its steep walls make it even more impressive than those in Glacier Bay), and hike the Bagley Glacier (largest non-polar glacier in the world) in immense Wrangell St Elias National Park. Unfavorable conditions caused him to change his plans to a boat tour and a sightseeing flight. In contrast to that wilderness trip, during the first two weeks of November, Tuan traveled to the South-Eastern states. While the initial goal was to complete his coverage of Congaree and Hot Springs National Park, he ended up completing a wide-reaching trip of 3000 miles to fill in the gaps in his files, visiting eight states, four national parks, and a dozen of cities. At home, Lanchi was way too busy with the two demanding kids to consider returning to work. However, thanks to a little baby-sitting help, she managed to take care of her greenhouse, which was in a state of neglect since the birth of Minh-Dan, and even to resume acquiring new plants and creating new digital photos for a possible book project. In February, Tuan installed a large format digital printer. Inkjet printing has come a long way in just a few years. High-end inkjet photo printers have little to do with their office counterparts: prints as large as 44 inch (1 meter) wide can be produced with image quality and longevity better than those made by traditional photographic processes. For a relatively affordable price, the Epson 9800 let us produce at home prints that previously would have required a printer, such as the Lightjet, that takes up most of the room, and costs in excess of $150,000. The first large order of prints came while Tuan was away to Europe. They always seem to come at those times. Lanchi struggled with the new hardware, but eventually managed to produce the prints just in time for Tuan to sign and pack the prints during the night between his flight back from Paris and the next early morning flight to Florida. Eventually, she would improve her digital file preparation skills to the point where she would be able to give Tuan much needed help by preparing most of the print orders. Despite switching officially to part-time status at SRI, not accomplishing any significant work there with only two days per week, Tuan still did not manage to find enough time to work on his National Parks book project. With the time available, he could barely keep up with the day-to-day operations of the growing business, and the need to maintain and update the web site. For instance, in February, as he was exceeding his 500GB/month bandwidth allocation (1 million monthly visits), he had to move terragalleria.com to a new server. Despite its apparent simplicity, the site depends on quite a complex set of software packages. In June, a newly discovered security hole in the subscription package was used by at least a dozen different malicous hackers trying to compromise the server. While some just erased files at random, others installed insidious software to be used for shady activities. You can imagine that cleaning up the mess and preventing new intrusions was tricky and time consuming. By the way, speaking of subscription, like the previous years we are pleased to offer you a free account for downloading our computer wallpaper images: both the username and password is friends2007. We wish you and your loved ones a Year of the Pig full of happiness, health, prosperity, and success, and hope to hear some news from you. Tuan, Lanchi, Vi-Van, and Minh-Dan (+1) 408-223-8419 3159 Ravenswood way, San Jose CA 95148, USA