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Burmese People

Pictures by QT Luong

Intha fisherman on duggout with net. Inle Lake, Myanmar (color) Riding tractor on road near Swwenyaung. Shan state, Myanmar (color) Novice offering Water at  Mahamuni Paya. Mandalay, Myanmar (color) Older burmese woman and child. Bagan, Myanmar (color) Children at a school. Mount Popa, Myanmar (color) Worshiping the images at Phaung Daw U Paya. Inle Lake, Myanmar (color) Women from Shan state visiting. Mandalay, Myanmar (color) Walking on road near Swwenyaung. Shan state, Myanmar (color) On steps of Shwesandaw Paya's upper terraces. Bagan, Myanmar (color) Intha man demonstrating leg-rowing. Inle Lake, Myanmar (color) Man enjoying a cheerot (burmese cigar). Mandalay, Myanmar (color) Market scene, Kalaw. Shan state, Myanmar (color) Burmese woman offering food. Bagan, Myanmar (color) Woman Making cheerots. Inle Lake, Myanmar (color) Adding golden leaves to the venerated Mahamuni image. Mandalay, Myanmar (color) Woman smoking a cheerot,  Kalaw. Shan state, Myanmar (color) Photo lab. Bagan, Myanmar (color) Harvesting apples on the floating gardens. Inle Lake, Myanmar (color) Vendors, Market in Kalaw. Shan state, Myanmar (color) Rubbing an Angkor bronze statue at Mahamuni Paya. Mandalay, Myanmar (color) Young burmese woman and child. Bagan, Myanmar (color) Intha fisherman, sunrise. Inle Lake, Myanmar (color) The golden leaves factory. Mandalay, Myanmar (color) Carrying many jars. Mandalay, Myanmar (color)
There are 24 pictures of Burmese People on this page