Water and ice have shaped three ecosystems in this vast wilderness that occupies most of the Olympic Peninsula: a rugged coastline of seastacks and tide pools, a rare temperate rainforest lush with dense greenery, and mountains capped by numerous thick glaciers.
[CLICK on any picture to see a larger image and details, to add to selection, to order, and to download wallpaper.]
There are 27 color pictures on this page out of 214 color pictures of Olympic.
require('/Users/luong/Sites/local/scripts/retrieve_keywords.php'); { $mysql= mysql_connect('localhost','qtl1','tgdbtgdb;;') or die('could not connect to mysql');
mysql_select_db('photo', $mysql) or die ('Could not select database'); $keyword_string = retrieve_keywords("Olympic National Park","parks/np.olympic.html","Themes" ); print "$keyword_string"; } ?>