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Pictures by QT Luong

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Tree alley leading to a Plantation house. Louisiana, USA ( color) Facade with the four historic flags which have been flown over Louisiana. Louisiana, USA ( color) Interior of the church Saint-Martin-de-Tours, Saint Martinville. Louisiana, USA ( color) The church Saint-Martin-de-Tours, Saint Martinville. Louisiana, USA ( color) On the floor of the church Saint-Martin-de-Tours, Saint Martinville. Louisiana, USA ( color) Tombstone of a French priest, and figures inside a replica of the Lourdes grotto, church Saint-Martin-de-Tours, Saint Martinville. Louisiana, USA ( color) Bayou guide of French descent, Lake Martin. Louisiana, USA ( color) Trees covered by Spanish Moss at sunset, Lake Martin. Louisiana, USA ( color) Cypress trees reflected in a pond, Lake Martin. Louisiana, USA ( color) Bird in the swamp, Lake Martin. Louisiana, USA ( color)
All the 10 color pictures of Acadiana are on this page