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Devils Tower

Pictures by QT Luong

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Devils Tower is a stricking 1200 feet (380m) monolith entirely formed by hexagonal columns of volcanic rock. Devils Tower was the first National Monument in the US, established in 1906, by President Theodore Roosevelt.

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Devils Tower rising above forest. Wyoming, USA (Panoramic color) Devils Tower in autumn, Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color) Devil's Tower rising above forested slope. Wyoming, USA ( color) Volcanic Neck, Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color) Monolithic igneous intrusion, Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color) Devils Tower monolith at sunset, Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color) Phonolite porphyry monolith, sunset, Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color) Devils Tower, sunset, Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color) Profile of volcanic monolith at dusk,  Devils Tower National Monument. Wyoming, USA ( color)
All the 9 color pictures of Devils Tower are on this page