" ;
} else {
$mysql= mysql_connect('localhost','qtl1','tgdbtgdb;;') or die('could not connect to mysql');
mysql_select_db('photo', $mysql) or die ('Could not select database');
$result=mysql_query("select ratings_nb,ratings_av from image_stats where ref = 'cabc10857-bw'",$mysql)
or die ("query failed = " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$array = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$nb = $array[0];
$av = $array[1];
if ($nb == 1) {
echo "You were the first to rate this image. Thanks !";
} else {
printf( "This image has been rated $nb times with an average of %.1f/10",$av);
if ($ref_prev != "") {
$mysql= mysql_connect('localhost','qtl1','tgdbtgdb;;') or die('could not connect to mysql');
mysql_select_db('photo', $mysql) or die ('Could not select database');
$result=mysql_query("select ratings_nb,ratings_av from image_stats where ref = '$ref_prev'",$mysql)
or die ("query failed = " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$array = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$nb = $array[0];
$av = $array[1];
if ($nb == 1) {
echo "
You were the first to rate the previous image $ref_prev. Thanks !";
} else {
printf( "
Thanks for your rating. Previous image $ref_prev has been rated $nb times with an average of %.1f/10",$av);
echo " ";
Scenics with Sky
105 / 11132