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Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. However, since nothing here is simple, it is disputed, as among other grievances the Palestinians claim its Eastern part and would like to make it the capital of an independent state. Jerusalem walled old city is possibly the most interesting square kilometer in the world. No other place can match its density of historically or religiously significant sites. It contains the holiest Jewish site (the Western Wall, the only remnant of the former Second Temple, one of the greatest buildings in the Ancient world, destroyed by the Romans in AD 70), the central shrine of Christianity (the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurection of Jesus), as well as the third-holiest Muslim site (Haram esh-Sharif or Temple Mount, from where the Prophet rose to heaven in AD 620). Reflecting this complexity, the old city is divided in five quarters, Armenian, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and the Temple Mount (which is holy to the three monotheist religions). If this was not enough, linking all those sites is an intricate maze of narrow streets, alleys, archways, and passages, full of noise, congestion, vendors, and markets. The Old City of Jerusalem is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Old town skyline with remparts and Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Camel with town skyline in the background. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Old town rooftops and Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Street market inside the old town next to the Damascus Gate. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Muslim woman on stairs at the Dome of the Rock entrance. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Elderly orthodox jew, Western (Wailling) Wall. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Young soldier and orthodox jew reading prayer  books at the Western Wall. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Christian Orthodox priest lighting candles. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Crowds outside Damascus Gate. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Narrow alley lined with shops. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Muslem women purchasing sweets. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Girl in a doorway. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Facade of old townhouse. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Muslem woman exiting a money changing booth. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Two christian monks in a narrow alley. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Arab bread vendor. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Old town remparts at dusk. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Old street and arches by night. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Old town roofs and Dome of the Rock by night. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Street market inside the old town next to the remparts. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Crowded streets and roofs of the old town. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Fruit and vegetable store in an old town archway. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Door. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Children in a busy old town alley. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Children on stairs of an old alley. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Food vendor broiling meat. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Man carrying many loafes of bread on his head. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Alley at night, old town. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Two schoolchildren in a street of East Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Women raise the Palestian flag at a school in East Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Muslem women and girls, East Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Palestinian flags and inscriptions in arabic in front of a school, East Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Coca-Cola sign in Hebrew. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Menorah. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Sign advertising jewish religious studies for beginners, Mea Shearim district. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Jews in the ultra-orthodox Mea Shearim district. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Orthodox Jews. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Spires and Mount of Olives seen through arches. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Church, Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Laundry in a courtyard, with the Western Wall in the background. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Orthodox Jew and soldier at the Western Wall. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Western (Wailling) Wall and Dome of the Rock at night. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Arches on the entrance of the Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Prison of Apostle Peter. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Men carrying crosses. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) One of the stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorosa. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Copt monks and pilgrim in the Ethiopian Monastery. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Worshiping inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Decorated chapel inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, Israel ( color) Women worshiping beneath hanging lamps inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, Israel ( color)
All the 51 color pictures of Jerusalem are on this page