Subjects: Conifer Forests , Forests , Geology , Granite , Hiking , Natural Arches , Outdoor Recreation , Outside , People and Activities , Rock Formations , Vegetation
require('/var/www/vhosts/'); { $mysql= mysql_connect("localhost","qtl","qtqtqt;;") or die("could not connect to mysql"); $keyword_string = retrieve_keywords_image("yose46794","Themes" ); print "
$pos = strpos($_COOKIE["view"],"noads"); if ($pos === false) {
print " ";
} ?>
$mysql= mysql_connect("localhost","qtl","qtqtqt;;") or die("could not connect to mysql");
mysql_db_query("photo", "update image_stats set views = views + 1 where ref = 'yose46794'")
or die ("query failed = " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());