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Inside Restaurants

Inside Restaurants : 32 images

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Hand-pulled pumps used to serve real ale beers, Westmister Arms bar. London, England, United Kingdom Woman and man in a restaurant kitchen, Jalisco. Jalisco, Mexico Inside a Beale Street bar. Memphis, Tennessee, USA Inside the pub The Grenadier. London, England, United Kingdom Woman eating a bown of clam chowder on the pier. Santa Cruz, California, USA Downstairs room of the pub Westmister Arms. London, England, United Kingdom Blue Poppy Restaurant and Show Greenhouse. Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Businessmen with a bottle of Champagne in the Carnelian Room with panoramic view of the City. San Francisco, California, USA Club with live music performance. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Inside a bar, Saint Malo. Brittany, France Patrons listen to musical performance in Beale Street bar. Memphis, Tennessee, USA Tavern Chaloupe d'or. Brussels, Belgium Woman cleaning glass at the bar, pub The Grenadier. London, England, United Kingdom Man reading newspaper in front of etched mirrors, pub Princess Louise. London, England, United Kingdom Friends cheering up with a beer in front of echted glass and fine tiles of pub Princess Louise. London, England, United Kingdom Counter of the pub Westmister Arms. London, England, United Kingdom Talking around a drink in the pub Westmister Arms. London, England, United Kingdom Baking the famous Omelette de la mere Poularde at the eponymous restaurant. Mont Saint-Michel, Brittany, France Man and woman singing country music at Tootsie Orchid Lounge. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Man with book and beer. Brussels, Belgium

There are 20 pictures on this page out of 32 pictures of Inside Restaurants, available as stock photos and fine art prints.

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