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Italy People

Italy People : 98 images

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Wedding in front of Duomo Sant'Andrea, Amalfi. Amalfi Coast, Campania, Italy Girl playing with the pigeons, Piazzetta San Marco (Square Saint Mark), mid-day. Venice, Veneto, Italy Swiss guards in blue, red, orange and yellow  Renaissance uniform. Vatican City Lemonade vendor. Naples, Campania, Italy Young woman talking on a cell phone. Naples, Campania, Italy Wherever I rest my helmet, that's my home, Roman Forum. Rome, Lazio, Italy Tourist tosses a coin over her shoulder in the Trevi Fountain. Rome, Lazio, Italy Chiesa di Sant' Angelo a Nilo. Naples, Campania, Italy Newly wed couple on the stairs of Duomo Sant'Andrea, Amalfi. Amalfi Coast, Campania, Italy Members of Pontifical Swiss Guard. Vatican City Nuns move past checkpoint manned by Swiss guards. Vatican City Produce store on Via San Giovanni. San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy House facades with women walking. Veneto, Italy Asian tourists toss a coin over their shoulder into the Trevi Fountain. Rome, Lazio, Italy Pilgrim. Vatican City Delivering mail from a scooter. Siena, Tuscany, Italy Windows, hanging laundry, blue house, Burano. Venice, Veneto, Italy Men fishing under an colorful sun unbrella,  Agropoli. Campania, Italy

There are 18 images on this page out of 98 images of Italy People, available as stock photo and photographic print.

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