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Home / [ Gyeongju     South Korea World Heritage Sites] / Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple

Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple

Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple : 43 images

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Seokgatap (Sakyamuni) pagoda by night, Bulguk-sa. Gyeongju, South Korea Museoljeon hall, Bulguk-sa. Gyeongju, South Korea Schoolchildren visiting main courtyard, Bulguk-sa. Gyeongju, South Korea Seokgatap, Dabotap, and Daeungjeon at night, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Water fountain and drinking cups, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Nuns walking with unbrella on foggy path, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Autumn leaves in fog, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Family walking on misty path, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Pond and fall foliage, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Temple of Silla, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Fence with Buddhist symbol, and roof with fallen leaves, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Family walking on path in the rain, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Stones and lantern in fog, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Landscaped creek in autumn, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Stone bridge and fall colors, Bulguk-sa. Gyeongju, South Korea Stone stairs in fog, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Schoolchildren with raingear, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Painted statue with dragon, Bulguksa. Gyeongju, South Korea Stairs leading to grotto, Seokguram. Gyeongju, South Korea Wooden statue with musical instrument, Bulguk-sa. Gyeongju, South Korea

There are 20 pictures on this page out of 43 pictures of Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple, available as stock photos and fine art prints.

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