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Temperate Forests in spring

Temperate Forests in spring : 88 images

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Spring scene of dogwood trees next to river flowing over boulders, Treemont, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. River and dogwoods, late afternoon sun, Middle Prong of the Little River, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Sunny forest with blue flowers on floor, Big Cove, North Carolina. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Barn in a meadow. Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. Hillside with bare trees and trees in early spring foliage. Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. Carpet of multicolored Trilium in forest, Chimney area, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Forest floor covered with Fringed Phacelia (Phacelia fimbriata), Chimney area, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Alfred Reagan saddlebag house, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Blue flowers in forest, Chimney area, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Forest floor with Crested Dwarf Iris, Greenbrier, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. May apple plants with giant leaves on forest floor. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. Noah Ogle Farm and dogwood tree in bloom, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Trees in the spring, late afternoon, Hensley Hollow. Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. Trees and hills in the spring, late afternoon, Hensley Hollow. Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. May apple Plants with giant leaves on forest floor. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. Mossy boulders and Cosby Creek, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Forest canopy in spring, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Backlit trees on hillside in spring, morning. Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. Spring Forest in rain, Chimney area, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Arching dogwood in bloom over the Middle Prong of the Little River, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA.

There are 20 photos on this page out of 88 photos of Temperate Forests in spring, available as stock photography and limited edition prints.

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