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Yunnan, China

Yunnan, China : 243 images
Relevant gallery pages:   Kunming   Lijiang   Dali   Shilin (Stone Forest)   Baisha   Shaping

Relevant gallery pages:   Kunming   Lijiang   Dali   Shilin (Stone Forest)   Baisha   Shaping

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Elderly musician playing the a traditional guitar. Baisha, Yunnan, China Quianxun Pagoda, the tallest of the Three Pagodas has 16 tiers reaching a height of 70m. Dali, Yunnan, China Wooden houses and vegetation near a canal. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Details of maze of grey limestone pinnacles of the Stone Forst. Shilin, Yunnan, China Detail of old wooden house. Kunming, Yunnan, China Children in an archway. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Dumplings being cooked in a cobblestone street. Lijiang, Yunnan, China One of the two 10-tiered pagodas flanking Quianxun Pagoda. Dali, Yunnan, China Women at Muslim pastry store. Kunming, Yunnan, China Naxi orchestra in Dayan Naxi concert hall. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Monk on entrance alley of Yantong Si. Kunming, Yunnan, China Elderly musician playing the traditional two-stringed Ehru. Baisha, Yunnan, China Flowers, canal, and houses. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Naxi pictographs, the only hieroglyphic language still in use. Baisha, Yunnan, China Wangu (everlasting) tower. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Ming dynasty Wufeng Lou (Five Phoenix Hall), a 20m high edifice dating from 1600. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Early morning along a canal. Lijiang, Yunnan, China Grey limestone pillars of the Stone Forest. Shilin, Yunnan, China Woman from the Sani branch of the Yi tribespeople with a sun unbrella. Shilin, Yunnan, China Detail of wooden house. Dali, Yunnan, China

There are 20 images on this page out of 243 images of Yunnan, China, available as stock photo and photographic print.

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