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Timberline : 570 images
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Mountaineer among broken rocks in the East face of Mt Whitney. California Cliffs below Mt Washington overlooking Spring Valley, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Hikers below Bishop Pass, John Muir Wilderness. Kings Canyon National Park, California Horseman speaking with hikers, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Hikers in Dusy Basin, morning. Kings Canyon National Park, California Columbine Peak, Palissades, and Mt Giraud at dusk above lake. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Ancient Bristlecone pine tree. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Glacial erratic boulders and mountains, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Limestone cliffs near Mt Washington. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Isoceles Peak reflected in a lake in Dusy Basin, late afternoon. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Bristlecone Pine trees, Mt Washington, early morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Smaller eruption crater inside the Haleakala crater. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA. Lake and mountains at dawn, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Rock bound cirque of Wheeler Peak, sunrise. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Palissades and Columbine Peak above lake at dusk, Lower Dusy basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Salamander Glacier, Salamander Falls , and Upper Grinnell Lake. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Hiker laying exhausted on Mt Whitney summit sign. California Group of bighorn sheep. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Palissade range and lake at dusk, Lower Dusy basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Beargrass, Mount Oberlin, and Cannon Mountain. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Granite ridges at sunset. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Looking towards Owens Valley from Mt Whitney summit. Sequoia National Park, California, USA. Hikers doing stretching exercises, Bishop Pass. Kings Canyon National Park, California Three Bighorn sheep. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Hikers looking at view  above Saddlebag Lakes, John Muir Wilderness. Kings Canyon National Park, California Mountain ridges, and mountaineers on snow field, North Cascades National Park. Washington, USA. Twisted Bristlecone Pine tree, Methuselah grove. California, USA Alpine lake in early summer. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Tree squeleton and clouds on barren hill, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. The Maidens with fresh show and a thin veil of clouds. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Bristlecone pine trees and Highland ridge, afternoon. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Mountain goat and Garden wall near Logan pass. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Shadow cone of Mount Hoffman at sunset. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Bristlecone pine and morainic rocks, Wheeler Peak, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Waterfall at hanging gardens, Logan pass. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Camping on neve below Sahale Peak, North Cascades National Park. Washington, USA. Wheeler Peak and Snake range seen from Mt Washington, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Alpine meadow, lake, and mountains, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Cliffs on  North Face of Mount Hoffman with hiker standing on top. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Monarch Lake, early summer. Sequoia National Park, California, USA. Grinnell Lake, Angel Wing, and Allen Mountain, afternoon. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Hiker looking at map in front of lake, lower Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Close view of hikers, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Small bristlecone tree seen through branches, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Bare trees above Mineral King, early summer. Sequoia National Park, California, USA. Outlet stream, lake, and mountains, Lower Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Ripples on Upper Grinnel Lake, with icebergs and glacier. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Frozen pot hole and summit cliffs, Mount Hoffman. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Lake I in Aquarius Valley near Arrigetch Peaks. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Mountains reflected in calm alpine lake at dawn, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Ancient Bristlecone Pine, Wheeler Peak Basin, afternoon. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Deer, boulders, alpine lake, and mountains, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Lake, grasses, and Palissade mountains at dusk. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Hikers on alpine terrain and Mt Giraud range, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Boulders, valleys and slopes with fresh snow in cloudy weather. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Slopes covered with Bristlecone Pine trees seen from Mt Washington, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Tree skeleton, Mirror Lake, and Thor Peak, Inyo National Forest. California, USA Flat tire on Mt Washington. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Wheeler Peak Glacier, lowest in latitude in the US. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Hikers at Bishop Pass, John Muir Wilderness. Kings Canyon National Park, California Man gearing up to climb  East face of Mt Whitney. California Dead standing Bristlecone pine trees,  White Mountains. California, USA Climbers on a bivy ledge in the East face of Mt Whitney. California Arrigetch peaks. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Woman gearing up to climb  East face of Mt Whitney. California Hiking on trail, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Garden wall from Logan pass. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Lichen covered rocks at the base of Arrigetch Peaks. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Columbine Peak and Palissades above lake at dusk, Lower Dusy basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Cliffs beneath Mt Washington and Spring Valley, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Young man in alpine lake, lower Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Sunset light over mountain ranges. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Hikers pointing, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Slabs and pool. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Bristelecone pines on Mt Washington, overlooking valley and distant ranges. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Bristlecone Pine forest, Methuselah grove, White Mountains. California, USA Mt Agasiz above Bishop Pass, afternoon. Kings Canyon National Park, California, USA. Bristelecone pine grove at the base of Wheeler Peak. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Father and son standing next to Bishop Pass sign. Kings Canyon National Park, California [photo by Buddy Squires] Photographer QT Luong with camera, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California Saddlebag lake and peak, John Muir Wilderness. California, USA Haleakala crater slopes and cinder cones at sunrise. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA. Grove of Bristlecone Pines on hillside near Mt Washington, morning. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Backpackers descending from Bishop Pass, John Muir Wilderness. California, USA Blue icebergs floating on reflections of rock wall, late afternoon. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Distant view of Fairview and other domes, late afternoon. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Lake II in Aquarius Valley near Arrigetch Peaks. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Aquarious Lake III. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Mount Hoffman North Face at dusk. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Outlet stream, Grinnell Glacier and Garden Wall. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Lone Bristlecone Pine tree squeleton, Patriarch Grove. California, USA Descending Mt Whitney trail near sunset. California Garden wall reflection and icebergs in Upper Grinnell Lake. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Hikers at the base of the North Face of Wheeler Peak. Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Hiker on moraine near Grinnell Glacier. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Colorful cinder in Haleakala crater seen from White Hill. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA. Garden wall above Upper Grinnell Lake and Glacier, late afternoon. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. High alpine basin with Gaylor Lake. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Haleakala crater from Kalahaku at sunrise. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA. Hikers and Mt Giraud, Dusy Basin. Kings Canyon National Park, California

There are 100 photos on this page out of 570 photos of Timberline, available as digital files and art prints.

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