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Stores : 354 images
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Grant Street, the most commercial street of Chinatown. San Francisco, California, USA Store by night, Taj Ganj. Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Main street, Pescadero. San Mateo County, California, USA Street with old buildings. Newport, Rhode Island, USA Shopping center on waterfront avenue. Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, USA Stores in western style, Winthrop. Washington Gallery, Winthrop. Washington Woman with jars of traditional medicinal supplies. Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Store selling traditional dragon masks. Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Main street, Cashmere. Washington Woman weighting preparing traditional medicinal ingredients. Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Traditional medicine is still favored by the population. A sample of traditional medicine items. Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Shops selling traditional medicinal herbs. Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Men sitting in front of candy store, Provincetown. Cape Cod, Massachussets, USA Shophouses, Chinatown. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Downtown Jackson in winter. Jackson, Wyoming, USA Storehouses and night-lit Snow King ski area. Jackson, Wyoming, USA Gaslight Alley by night. Jackson, Wyoming, USA Man reading in front of Salt Water taffy store, Provincetown. Cape Cod, Massachussets, USA Cuban cigars for sale, Mallory Square. Key West, Florida, USA Storefront with quirky facade, Provincetown. Cape Cod, Massachussets, USA Half Moon bay feed store. Half Moon Bay, California, USA Chicks for sale. Cholon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Apothicary building at night. San Diego, California, USA Cannery row at night. Monterey, California, USA Silver Moon barber shop, oldest black shop in Atlanta. Atlanta, Georgia, USA Cordonnnerie. Paris, France Posters on display, Hatch Show print. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Boots and confederate flag in store. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Flowers on Main Street, with family strolling by. Half Moon Bay, California, USA Sun record company. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Muslem women purchasing sweets. Jerusalem, Israel Hatch Show print poster print shop. Nashville, Tennessee, USA People looking at store display on Main Street. Half Moon Bay, California, USA Thai women walk in a town market, near Son La. Northwest Vietnam Clerk in Tobacco shop, Old Town. San Diego, California, USA Art gallery with courtyard. Half Moon Bay, California, USA Inside rock shop. Virginia City, Nevada, USA Inside Sun record company store. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Central avenue with lots of cars and pedestrican on street. Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA Ceramic plate store. Orvieto, Umbria Barber shop and tree in bloom, Old Lyme. Connecticut, USA Playing soccer table game in art gallery, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA Old and new: street fruit vendors and computer store. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Storefront and public benches on Main Street. Half Moon Bay, California, USA Cannery Row building at night, Monterey. Monterey, California, USA Cobblestone street, lamps, and Sacre-Coeur basilica by night, Montmartre. Paris, France Antiquarian Bookstore, passage Vivienne. Paris, France Shakespeare and Co storefront at night. Quartier Latin, Paris, France Interior of apothicary store, Old Town. San Diego, California, USA Alexander Kraft in cigar store, Old Town. San Diego, California, USA Photographic exhibition in gallery, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA Looking at the storefronts of luxury stores at night, Place Vendome. Paris, France Political art, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA Sacred cow and street by night, Taj Ganj. Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India People reading in front of bookstore at night. Quartier Latin, Paris, France Couple reading art magazine in front of gallery. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Inside poster print shop, Hatch Show,. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Woman walks past vegetable store, Mission Street, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA Inside music store. San Francisco, California, USA Modern sculpture and galleries on Canyon Road. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA City Light Bookstore window glass and city reflections, North Beach. San Francisco, California, USA Boulangerie at dusk, Montmartre. Paris, France Roys Cafe and gas station, Amboy. California, USA Vinyl records on display, Sun record company. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Gas station, Truchas. New Mexico, USA Gallery entrance at night, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA People lining up to enter a gallery at night, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA Corner grocery and liquor store, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA Food vending on Mission street, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA Museum of Pez memorabilia. Burlingame,  California, USA Front yard with sculpture, Canyon Road. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Old car in town center, Dunsmuir. California, USA Bike shop. Telluride, Colorado, USA Colorful corner store. San Francisco, California, USA Sidewalk on rainy day. San Francisco, California, USA Woman standing behind counter of apothicary store, Old Town. San Diego, California, USA Man standing in front of music store, sweet Auburn. Atlanta, Georgia, USA Store and street by night, Taj Ganj. Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Sculptures, gallery, and reflections, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA Art gallery decorated with large pumpkins. Half Moon Bay, California, USA Sherman's bookstore, oldest in Maine, at night. Bar Harbor, Maine, USA Narrow cobblestone street and businesses at night, Montmartre. Paris, France Shakespeare and Co bookstore at dusk. Quartier Latin, Paris, France Gallery, street light, and coblestone pavement, Montmartre. Paris, France Books on shelves seen through storefront. Quartier Latin, Paris, France Rollerblading on Ocean Front Walk. Venice, Los Angeles, California, USA Buildings, cars, and sidewalk, Mission Street, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA Hygienic store. Oahu island, Hawaii, USA Memphis store on Beale Street by night. Memphis, Tennessee, USA Night street scene, Montmartre. Paris, France El Camino Real at night, with movie theater and Menlo Clock Works. Menlo Park,  California, USA Ghirardelli chocolate store at dusk, Ghirardelli Square. San Francisco, California, USA Main street, Millinocket. Maine, USA Bookshelves, Hatch Show print. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Tiniest park with grass and palm trees, Bergamot Station. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA Doorway of the ceramic store. Orvieto, Umbria Woman exiting car below women legs with stockings. San Francisco, California, USA Bakery at dusk, Montmartre. Paris, France Hygienic food for dogs buildings. Berkeley, California, USA

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