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Bones and Antlers

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Bones and Antlers : 13 images
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Dinosaur fossil excavation site, Dinosaur Provincial Park. Alberta, Canada Caribou antlers. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska, USA. Fallen moose antlers in autumn forest. Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. Antlers and bend of the Kobuk River, mid-morning. Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska, USA. Pile of elk antlers. Jackson, Wyoming, USA Dinosaur fossils, Dinosaur Provincial Park. Alberta, Canada Caribou antlers, tundra, and river. Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska, USA. Moose antlers, Windego. Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. Buffalo skulls, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. Alberta, Canada Antlers and bend of the Kobuk River, evening. Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska, USA. Stack of buffalo skulls, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. Alberta, Canada Caribou antlers, tundra in autumn color, and Kobuk River. Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska, USA. Dinosaur bones, Dinosaur Provincial Park. Alberta, Canada

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