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Birds California

Birds California : 29 images

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Western Seagull and Giant coreopsis in bloom, East Anacapa Island. Channel Islands National Park, California, USA. Ice plants and western seagulls, Anacapa. Channel Islands National Park, California, USA. Seagull landing, Wharf. Santa Cruz, California, USA Western seagull. Channel Islands National Park, California, USA. Ice plants and western seagulls, Anacapa. Channel Islands National Park, California, USA. San Jolla Cove and seabirds. La Jolla, San Diego, California, USA Egrets in palm trees, Baylands. Palo Alto,  California, USA Three egrets resting, Palo Alto Baylands. Palo Alto,  California, USA Pelicans and cormorants, the Cove. La Jolla, San Diego, California, USA

There are 9 photos on this page out of 29 photos of Birds California, available as stock photography and limited edition prints.

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