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Art Deco Architecture

Pictures by QT Luong

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County Administration Center in Art Deco style at night. San Diego, California, USA (color) Entrance hall in Union Station. Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Stanford Theatre in Art Deco style. Palo Alto,  California, USA (color) Walk of fame and entrance of El Capitan Theater. Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Bas-relief in Art Deco style. Hoover Dam, Nevada and Arizona (color) California Theatre at night. San Jose, California, USA (color) Detail of art deco mosaic, Paramount Theater. Oakland, California, USA (color) Rockefeller center by night. NYC, New York, USA (color) Art Deco Style Hotel, South Beach, Miami Beach. Florida, USA (color) Chrysler Building from Roosevelt Island. NYC, New York, USA (color) Art deco entrance of City Hall. Atlanta, Georgia, USA (color) Interior of Union Station. Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Ornate facade of the El Capitan theatre. Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Organist playing during intermission in Stanford Theatre. Palo Alto,  California, USA (color) Entrance hall of California Theatre. San Jose, California, USA (color) Detail of boxy Art Deco facade, Miami Beach. Florida, USA (color) Neon lights and art deco mosaic, Paramount Theater. Oakland, California, USA (color) Art Deco style commemorative plate and doors. Hoover Dam, Nevada and Arizona (color) Trump World Tower and Chrysler Building. NYC, New York, USA (color) People on stairs in front of the City Hall. Atlanta, Georgia, USA (color)
There are 20 pictures on this page out of 55 pictures of Art Deco Architecture.