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Pictures by QT Luong

Four wheelers parked on main street. McCarthy, Alaska, USA (color) Riding on the gear trailer out of the airstrip in Port Alsworth. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color) Inupiaq Eskimo man and woman riding on a four-wheeler, Ambler. North Western Alaska, USA (color) Four-wheelers on dunes, Coral pink sand dunes State Park. Utah, USA (color) Gear transported in a trailer in the Eskimo village of Ambler. Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska (color) Rural road on the reservation with ATV, truck and horse. Taos, New Mexico, USA (color) All terrain vehicle on dune crest, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. Oregon, USA (color) Getting ready to load the floatplane with the backpacking gear. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color) Four wheeler crossing the footbridge. McCarthy, Alaska, USA (color) Unloading the gear from the plane to a trailer on the Port Alsworth airstrip. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color) Riding on the trailer with the gear. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color) Trailer loaded with backpacking gear. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color) Backpackes being unloaded from floatplane to a trailer in Port Alsworth. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color) Backpackes being unloaded from floatplane in Port Alsworth. Lake Clark National Park, Alaska (color)
There are 14 pictures of ATVs on this page