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Commercial Buildings

Photos by QT Luong

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King Cotton's Palace. Savannah, Georgia, USA (color) Canada Place and skyline at dusk. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (color) Glass windows and courtyard, One Beacon Court. NYC, New York, USA (color) Faneuil Hall Marketplace at dusk. Boston, Massachussets, USA (color) Inside CNN Center. Atlanta, Georgia, USA (color) Gallery outside commercial center. Walpole, New Hampshire, USA (color) Building on main street. Concord, New Hampshire, USA (color) Three-story gallery, Maison des Avocats. Lyon, France (color) Warehouse and loading dock doors. Berkeley, California, USA (color) Main gallery inside Ferry Building. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Chicago board of exchange. Chicago, Illinois, USA (color) New York Stock Exchange. NYC, New York, USA (color) Parking structure and fall colors. Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA (color) European-style glass doors and brick pavement, Allied Arts Guild. Menlo Park,  California, USA (color) Canada Place and seaplane. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (color) Rare curved escalator, Bloomberg Tower. NYC, New York, USA (color) Detail of Adobe Towers. San Jose, California, USA (color) Oracle Headquarters late afternoon. Redwood City,  California, USA (color) Custom House Tower and  Faneuil Hall marketplace at night. Boston, Massachussets, USA (color) Line at World of Coca-Cola (R) entrance. Atlanta, Georgia, USA (color)
There are 20 photos on this page out of 87 photos of Commercial Buildings.