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Cultivated Fields

Pictures by QT Luong

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Sunflowers, Central Valley. California, USA (color) Yellow field, The Palouse. Washington (color) Aerial view of the Great Plains. Colorado, USA (color) Vegetable farming. Watsonville, California, USA (color) Taro plantation in  Hanalei, morning. Kauai island, Hawaii, USA (color) Light and shadows cast by the steep walls of Canyon de Muerto. Canyon de Chelly  National Monument, Arizona, USA (color) Farm workers picking up salads, Salinas Valley. California, USA (color) Rural landscape with grasses and agave field. Mexico (color) Field of barley grasses, village, and hills, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (color) Cotton nearly ready for harvest. Louisiana, USA (color) Fields with cut crops and historic house. Hahoe Folk Village, South Korea (color) Field, hills, and rainbow. Kauai island, Hawaii, USA (color) Plowing the fields with a water buffalo close to a hut, near Tuan Giao. Northwest Vietnam (color) Central Valley farmlands. California, USA (color) Field with curved plowing patterns, The Palouse. Washington (color) Vegetable crops. Watsonville, California, USA (color) Rows of  blue agaves near Tequila. Mexico (color) Multi colored mountains, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (color) Villager tending to fields in front of ancient houses. Hahoe Folk Village, South Korea (color) Mist and plowed field, San Joaquin Valley. California, USA (color)
There are 20 pics on this page out of 125 pics of Cultivated Fields.