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Pictures by QT Luong

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Flowers, white picket fence and church. Seward, Alaska, USA (color) Pasture and farm. Gotaland, Sweden (color) Fence and barn. Vermont, New England, USA (color) Villager and fence. Mekong river, Laos (color) Wooden fence, pasture, and cabin, late afternoon, Cades Cove, Tennessee. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. (color) Fence and Teton range in fall. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA. (color) Ranch, Sunol Regional Park. California, USA (color) Visitor standing at the base of tall redwood trees. Big Basin Redwoods State Park,  California, USA (color) Roosevelt Elkhorn Ranch site interpretative sign. Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, USA. (color) Cattle enclosure. North Dakota, USA (color) Gate on pig fence. Pinnacles National Park, California, USA. (color) Historic orchard and cliff in autumn, Fruita. Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA. (color) Backup UHF antenna used to launch missile from plane. Minuteman Missile National Historical Site, South Dakota, USA (color) Sea turtle nestling area, Fort De Soto beach. Florida, USA (color) Roots and fence, Guandu Temple. Taipei, Taiwan (color) Old fence and trees, late afternoon. California, USA (color) Seagull landing, Wharf. Santa Cruz, California, USA (color) Cabins, Booker T. Washington National Monument. Virginia, USA (color) Fence and Pigeon Point Lighthouse, afternoon. San Mateo County, California, USA (color) Barn and cattle-raising area. California, USA (color) Grid and pilings and sunrise. Key West, Florida, USA (color) Women catch the water seeping from Tan Thanh Cave, said to have mirculous properties. Lang Son, Northest Vietnam (color)
There are 22 pictures on this page out of 162 pictures of Fences.