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Mural Decor

Pictures by QT Luong

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Woman looking at mural of sky and wispy clouds, Studios at Paramount. Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Man opening door of painted garage, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Male students, female food vendor, and landscapes. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (color) Close-up showing found objects used to decorate the Watts Towers. Watts, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Depression-area fresco showing a dam. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Fresco depicting building of the current cathedral, Grace Cathedral. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Man creating  graffiti art. Venice, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Diorama, African Hall, Kimball Natural History Museum, California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, USA<p>terragalleria.com is not affiliated with the California Academy of Sciences</p> (color) Detail of art deco mosaic, Paramount Theater. Oakland, California, USA (color) Railroad, mural, and high-rise towers. Seattle, Washington (color) Painted fence, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Uniformed students eating in front of backdrop depicting rural landscape. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (color) Detail of fresco showing a robbery in progress, Coit Tower. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Moscaic and tower, Watts Towers. Watts, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Fresco memorializing the founding of the United Nations, Grace Cathedral. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Jogger in the crowd of Ocean Front Walk, with a Venice Mural behind. Venice, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Hand-drawn letters and commercial logo, Mission District. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Factory workers depicted in mural fresco inside Coit Tower. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Detail of Watts Towers, built over the course of 33 years by Simon Rodia. Watts, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Man painting inscriptions on a graffiti-decorated tower. Venice, Los Angeles, California, USA (color)
There are 20 pictures on this page out of 141 pictures of Mural Decor.