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Pictures by QT Luong

Car lights,  obelisk, and Eiffel Tower at night. Paris, France (color) Oblisk and Sphynx, Rosicrucian Museum. San Jose, California, USA (color) Place St Peter and Basilic Saint Peter. Vatican City (color) The National Mall and Washington monument seen from the Capitol, sunset. Washington DC, USA (color) Guglia in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore. Naples, Campania, Italy (color) Obelisk in Piazza Del Popolo at night. Rome, Lazio, Italy (color) School children visiting North bridge, Minute Man National Historical Park. Massachussets, USA (color) Place de la Republique and Eglise Saint Trophime at night. Arles, Provence, France (color) City hall and plaza. Aix-en-Provence, France (color) Columbus Circle at night. NYC, New York, USA (color) Obelisk of the Concorde and Arc de Triomphe at sunset. Paris, France (color) Piazza San Pietro and Basilica San Pietro (Saint Peter), sunrise. Vatican City (color) Sphynx and Obelisk, Rosicrucian Park. San Jose, California, USA (color) Base of Guglia in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore. Naples, Campania, Italy (color) School children and memorial obelisk, Minute Man National Historical Park. Massachussets, USA (color) Luxor obelisk of the Concorde plaza and Eiffel Tower at night. Paris, France (color) Memorial obelisk, Minute Man statue, Minute Man National Historical Park. Massachussets, USA (color) Luxor obelisk of the Concorde plaza at sunset. Paris, France (color) Place de la Concorde Obelisk and Champs-Elysees, seen from above. Paris, France (color) Place de la Concorde, Obelisk, Grand Palais, and Champs-Elysees. Paris, France (color)
There are 20 pictures of Obelisks on this page