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Pictures by QT Luong

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Shepherd 24-hour gate clock, and public standard of length, Royal Observatory. Greenwich, London, England, United Kingdom (color) Telescope and Dome, Lick Observatory. San Jose, California, USA (color) Mauna Loa Observatory and rainbow. Big Island, Hawaii, USA (color) Subaru Telescope and Keck Observatory. Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA (color) Observatory atop Red Hill. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA. (color) Tourists look at moving image of ocean inside the Camera Obscura, Cliff House. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Portland observatory. Portland, Maine, USA (color) Maui Space Surveillance Complex, Haleakala observatories. Maui, Hawaii, USA (color) Refractive telescope, Lick obervatory. San Jose, California, USA (color) Flamsteed House designed by Christopher Wren, Royal Observatory. Greenwich, London, England, United Kingdom (color) Mauna Loa Observatory, clouds, and Mauna Kea. Big Island, Hawaii, USA (color) Telescopes and stars at night. Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA (color) Camera Obscura, Cliff House. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Flamsteed House with the Red Time Ball. Greenwich, London, England, United Kingdom (color) Lick obervatory, late afternoon. San Jose, California, USA (color) Telescopes, clouds, and fog at sunset. Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA (color) Camera Obscura interior, Cliff House. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Royal Observatory. Greenwich, London, England, United Kingdom (color) Dome housing the refractive telescope, Lick obervatory. San Jose, California, USA (color) Summit observatory complex. Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA (color)
There are 20 pictures on this page out of 50 pictures of Observatories.