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Pacific Islanders

Pictures by QT Luong

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Tonga dancers on stage. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Villager weaving a basket out of a single palm leaf. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Vegetable stand in Iliili. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Villagers crowd a ferry to Aunuu. Aunuu Island, American Samoa (color) Workers of the tuna factory during a break. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Woman with a flower in her hair getting shave ice, Waimanalo. Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Children in the water. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Elder Samoan subsistence fisherman, Tau Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) Sunday men churchgoers traditionally dressed, Pago Pago. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Woman weaving a toga (mat) out of pandamus leaves. American Samoa (color) Fiji woman. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Children in front of a turtle a shark sign in Vaitogi. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Villager carying coconuts in a wheelbarel. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Girl with ornemental leaves in traditional fashion. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Girls in Aunuu village. Aunuu Island, American Samoa (color) Children in Alofau. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Two women, the Older in hawaiian dress, on Waimanalo Beach. Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Group of Sunday churchgoers, all white-clad, Pago Pago. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Samoan boy with freshly catched tropical fish, Tau Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) Woman weaving a toga (mat) out of pandamus leaves. American Samoa (color) Maori dancers. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Villager throwing a pealed coconut into a basket made out of a single palm leaf. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Children playing in water near Fugaalu. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Children in Alofau. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Young women dressed in white for sunday church, Pago Pago. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Samoan boy with fish, Tau Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) Islanders holding Taro roots in Iliili. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Men on a ferry to Aunuu. Aunuu Island, American Samoa (color)
There are 28 pictures on this page out of 68 pictures of Pacific Islanders.