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Park Rangers

Pictures by QT Luong

Ranger pointing to cave entrance to tourists. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. (color) Ranger pointing flashlight at boxwork. Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, USA. (color) Ranger lowering Ogala Lakota flag, White River Visitor Center. Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA. (color) National Grasslands visitor center, Wall. South Dakota, USA (color) Rangers posing with Theodore Roosevelt under entrance gate. Muir Woods National Monument, California, USA (color) Women Park rangers on trail during a field study. Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska, USA. (color) Ranger pointing at speleotherm in large cave room. Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, USA. (color) Native American ranger gathering US and Tribal flags. Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA. (color) Tourists listening at ranger in large room inside cave. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. (color) Ranger lights up boxwork in the Elks Room. Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, USA. (color) Tour group listening to ranger. Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, USA. (color)
There are 11 pictures of Park Rangers on this page