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Tropical Rainforests

Pictures by QT Luong

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Ephemeral waterfall formed after the rain, Tutuila Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) River with mist raising, Cape Tribulation. Queensland, Australia (color) La Coca Falls, El Yunque, Carribean National Forest. Puerto Rico (color) Thurston lava tube seen from inside. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, USA. (color) Domed rainforest, California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, USA<p>terragalleria.com is not affiliated with the California Academy of Sciences</p> (color) Gate, Bukit Nanas Reserve. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (color) Mount Faber Park. Singapore (color) Aerial view of the coast near Cape Tribulation. Queensland, Australia (color) Ephemeral waterfalls in Amalau Valley, Tutuila Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) Lush tropical ferms near Thurston lava tube. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, USA. (color) Ferns in rain forest undercanopy, El Yunque, Carribean National Forest. Puerto Rico (color) Four-story Rainforest exhibit, California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, USA<p>terragalleria.com is not affiliated with the California Academy of Sciences</p> (color) Dipterocarp forest with boardwalk, Bukit Nanas Reserve. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (color) Forest trees. Singapore (color) Tropical forest and Ocean from Mont Alava, Tutuila Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) Daintree River ferry crossing. Queensland, Australia (color) Lush tall ferms near Thurston lava tube. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, USA. (color) La Coca Falls, El Yunque, Carribean National Forest. Puerto Rico (color) Rainforest canopy and dome, California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, USA<p>terragalleria.com is not affiliated with the California Academy of Sciences</p> (color) Forested park and high-rise towers. Singapore (color) Tourist on forest boardwalk, Bukit Nanas Reserve. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (color) Ferns in coastal paleotropical rainforest, Tau Island. National Park of American Samoa (color) Ferns in Rainforest, Cape Tribulation. Queensland, Australia (color) Waterfall in rain forest, El Yunque, Carribean National Forest. Puerto Rico (color) Giant tropical ferns. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, USA. (color) Tourists on spiraling path look at rainforest canopy, California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, USA<p>terragalleria.com is not affiliated with the California Academy of Sciences</p> (color)
There are 26 pictures on this page out of 86 pictures of Tropical Rainforests.