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Valley Bottoms

Photos by QT Luong

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Abandoned house with graffiti, Mosca. Colorado, USA (color) Night landscape with lighted canyon floor. Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico, USA (color) Plantation worker and bags of taro, Hanalei Valley, afternoon. Kauai island, Hawaii, USA (color) Meadow covered with poppies and Tehachapi Mountains at sunset. Antelope Valley, California, USA (color) Colorful ash and Lethe River gorge, Valley of Ten Thousand smokes. Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA. (color) Valley and rare desert blooms, late afternoon. Death Valley National Park, California, USA. (color) Lone tree and distant mountains in winter. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA. (color) Graveyard, Villa Grove. Colorado, USA (color) Great house, Pueblo Bonito. Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico, USA (color) Plantation workers with truck, Hanalei Valley, afternoon. Kauai island, Hawaii, USA (color) Joshua trees and California Poppies. Antelope Valley, California, USA (color) Snow-covered peaks surrounding the arid ash-covered floor of the Valley of Ten Thousand smokes. Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA. (color) Mormon row homesteads and Jackson Hole in winter. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA. (color) Desert wildflowers and sun, late afternoon. Death Valley National Park, California, USA. (color) Car and pickup cover below snowy peaks. Colorado, USA (color) Star trails over Fajada Butte. Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico, USA (color) Wildflowers growing on foothills bordering the Valley of Ten Thousand smokes. Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA. (color) California Poppies and goldfields. Antelope Valley, California, USA (color) Bare cottonwood trees and sun in winter, Jackson Hole. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA. (color) Panamint Valley and Panamint Range, dusk. Death Valley National Park, California, USA. (color)
There are 20 photos on this page out of 89 photos of Valley Bottoms.