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Home / Asia / Vietnam / Ho Chi Minh City / Saigon Tet
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Saigon Tet

Pictures by QT Luong

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Uniformed young men and women gather for lunar new year. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Sidewalk with Lunar New Year decorations and booths. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Tet (Lunar New Year) market. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Elder in traditional costume. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Woman and children in traditional dress for lunar new year. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Woman next to Tet (Lunar New Year) decorations. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Caligraphers at lunar new year market. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Hands drawing Tet greetings. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Caligrapher draws Tet greetings as woman looks on. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Hands drawing Tet greetings in ornamented characters. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Caligrapher draws lunar new year greetings for beautiful woman in ao ai. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Feminine hand draws Lunar New Year greetings in fancy writing. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Caligrapher in traditional costume. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Hands drawing Tet (Lunar New Year) greetings in Chinese characters. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Tet (Lunar New Year) greetings. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color)
There are 15 color pictures of Saigon Tet on this page