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Inle Lake - Nyaung Shwe

Pictures by QT Luong

More pictures of Inle Lake Next pictures: Shan state
[1 : Overview]
[2 : Intha Fishermen]
[3 : Nyaung Shwe]
[4 : North]
[5 : Ywama]
[6 : West & Indein]

[CLICK on any picture to see a larger image and details, to add to selection, to order, and to download wallpaper.]

Young schoolchildren, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Group of schoolchildren, Nyaung Shwe,. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Two young friends, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Schoolgirl with thanaka past, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Schoolgirls, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Novice petting cat, Shweyanpyay Monastery, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Buddhist monks studying, Shweyanpyay Monastery, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Monks standing in oval windows, Shweyanpyay Monastery, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Novices studying, Shweyanpyay Monastery, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Buddhist monks looking through windows of Shweyanpyay Monastery, Nyaung Shwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Inside Yadana Man Aung Paya, Nyaungshwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Stupas, Yadana Man Aung Paya, Nyaungshwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Boy on Water buffalo near the canal at Nyaungshwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Intha man demonstrating leg-rowing. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color) Sunset on the canal at Nyaungshwe. Inle Lake, Myanmar ( color)
There are 15 color pictures on this page out of 127 color pictures of Inle Lake.