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Previous pictures: Mandalay photos

Mingun & Ava

Pictures by QT Luong

photos Next pictures: Amarapura
The kings of Mandalay had an urge to commence their reign with a new capital, so the surroundings of Mandalay comprise several ancient royal cities. Mingun, reached through a one hour river cruise, is known for a stupa which would have been the largest in the world. It remains uncompleted because an astrologer claimed that once finished, the king would die. To go with it, the largest ringing bell in the world (90 tons) was cast. Ava (Inwa) was the capital of Burma for nearly 360 years, but it was entirely leved by earthquakes, after which the capital was moved to Amarapura. Nowadays, both ancient capitals are villages.

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Settawya Pagoda and unfinished Mingun Pagoda from river, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Ox carts on shore of Irrawaddy River, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Ox cart marked as taxi, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Mingun Pagoda entrance, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Ancient tree branches, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Boy and girl ringing huge bell, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Mingun Bell from below, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Children ring the huge Mingun bell, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Girl in front of Mingun bell, Mingun. Myanmar ( color) Man enjoying a cheerot (burmese cigar). Myanmar ( color) Food vendor. Myanmar ( color) Young woman with sweet smile, Ava. Myanmar ( color) Boatman with one cylinder engine, Ava. Myanmar ( color) Ancient temples, Ava. Myanmar ( color) Daw Gyan Pagoda complex, Ava. Myanmar ( color)
All the 15 color pictures of Mingun & Ava are on this page