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Home / Asia / Taiwan / Sun Moon Lake [ page 3 of 4 ]
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Previous pictures: Taroko Gorge Previous pictures of Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake - North Shore

Pictures by QT Luong

More pictures of Sun Moon Lake Next pictures: Lukang
[1 : Overview]
[2 : Shueishe Village]
[3 : North Shore]
[4 : South Shore]

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Cove with floating rafts on which plants are being grown. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Floating gardens where plants are cultivated. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Family fishing. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Boats and fishermen. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Floating gardens and misty mountains. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Syuanzang Temple and Tsen Pagoda in dawn mist. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Shabalan Mountain ridge in mist with Syuanzang Temple and Tsen Pagoda. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Itashao Village and mountains across lake. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Itashao Village and cloud-shrounded mountains at dawn. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Wen Wu temple at night with light trails from boats. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Ceiling and altar in gate, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Confuscian statues on altar, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Altar in main hall, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Altar and reflections, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Reflections on altar table top, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Detail of gilded ceiling and wall, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Confuscian figure on altar, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Ceiling detail in main hall, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color) Blessing wind chimes, Wen Wu temple. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan ( color)
There are 19 color pictures on this page out of 81 color pictures of Sun Moon Lake.