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Portland, Maine

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

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Portland is the largest (pop 60,000) and most important city in Maine, as well as in New England north of Boston. Portland's main attractions include the historic waterfront, lined with brick buildings, and the Portland Head Lighthouse, Maine's oldest.

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Portland Head Light on shores of Fort Williams Park. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Portland Headlight, Cape Elizabeth. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Bug Light lighthouse at the harbor entrance. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Bug Light and ferry. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Skyline at sunrise. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Shipping harbor with tugboats and crane. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Pier and hillside buildings across harbor. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Portland waterfront. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Harbor at dawn. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Boats and piers. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobster company building. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Harbor historic buildings at sunrise. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Street seen from above, dawn. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Historic custom house. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobster restaurant. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Historic brick buildings near waterfront. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Street with cobblestone pavement. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white) Colorful buildings and sidewalk. Portland, Maine, USA ( black and white)
There are 18 black and white pictures on this page out of 36 black and white pictures of Portland.