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Stonington, Maine

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

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Harbor waterfront at dawn. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Harbor, dawn. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Boats and Penobscot Bay islets, sunrise. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Traditional Maine  lobster boat. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Waterfront in early morning. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Harbor and houses, morning. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobstering boats and houses. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobster fishing village. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobstering shack. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobster traps and house. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobstering gear store. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Schack on deck. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Water fence and islets. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Men preparing to leave on small boat. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Men on small boat in harbor. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobstermen hauling traps. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Commercial lobstermen. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Man loading lobster crates in harbor. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Tidal flats and houses, sunrise. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Small boat harbor at sunset. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobstering fleet at dusk. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Harbor by night. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white) Lobster shack by night. Stonington, Maine, USA ( black and white)
There are 23 black and white pictures on this page out of 64 black and white pictures of Stonington.