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North Bavaria, Germany

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

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During its period of greatest prosperity, from the 12th century onwards, the architecture of Bamberg strongly influenced northern Germany and Hungary. In the late 18th century it was the centre of the Enlightenment in southern Germany, with eminent philosophers and writers such as Hegel and Hoffmann living there. Dinkelsbhuhl doesn't have such a prestigious history, but the degree of conservation of its mediaval walls is very good. The town of Bamberg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Houses and canal, Bamberg. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white) Rainy afternoon, Bamberg. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white) Biker,   Dinkelsbuhl. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white) Row of houses,  Dinkelsbuhl. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white) Main plaza,  Dinkelsbuhl. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white) Duck pond and rampart walls, Dinkelsbuhl. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white) Duck pond and rampart walls, Dinkelsbuhl. Bavaria, Germany ( black and white)
There are 7 black and white pictures of North Bavaria, Germany on this page