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Vancouver Island

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

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[Victoria] [Butchart gardens] [Pacific Rim National Park]
Vancouver Island is the largest island on the West Coast of North America, more than 450km long. Most of the population lives in the South-East, home to the highly civilized city of Victoria, The rest of the island comprises large tracks of wilderness, the most important of them being rugged Pacific Rim National Park, and a number of fishing villages such as Uclulet and Tofino, that have recently developped into beach resorts. The island is easily accessed by large regular ferries from several point. Note that the city of Vancouver is not on Vancouver Island, but on the main land. Both locations owe their name to British explorer Captain George Vancouver, who coordinated the hand-over of the Island from the Spanish to the British in 1792.

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Lake. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Harbor Quay with the Lady Rose ferry, Port Alberni. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Harbour and lighthouse, Port Alberni. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Fishing boats in harbour in Alberni Inlet, Port Alberni. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Commercial fishing fleet at dawn, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Commercial fishing fleet at dawn, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Commercial fishing boats, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Fishing equipment on boat, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Commercial fishing boat, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Commercial Fishing fleet, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Fishing boat and reflections in harbor, Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Prow of retired fishing boat. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Chicken of the Woods mushroom on tree ,  Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Leaves and berries,  Uclulet. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Backpacker sitting under the Transcanadian terminus sign, Tofino. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Commercial fishing boat and fog, Tofino. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Pier and waterfront buildings, Tofino. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Ferries in the San Juan Islands. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Lifeboat on a ferry. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Woman and girl looking out from deck of ferry. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white)
There are 20 black and white pictures on this page out of 39 black and white pictures of Vancouver Island.