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Yoho NP

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

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Yoho National Park is the smallest of the Canadian Rockies National Parks. It is said to offer some of the most beautiful backcountry terrain, especially around Lake O'Hara, but I haven't had yet a chance to explore it, since access is limited and requires long advance planning. The main roadsite attraction of Yoho National Park is Takkakaw Falls, which ranks as one of the highest (254 meters) waterfalls in both Canada and the world.

Yoho National Park, together with neighbor parks (Banff, Jasper, Kootenay) form a huge protected area of the Canadian Rockies that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Mt Stephen and the Kicking Horse River, late afternoon. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Takakkaw Falls, 254 meter high. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Clif and Takakkaw Falls, one the Canada's highest waterfalls. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Takakkaw Falls, one the Canada's highest waterfalls. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Rainbow at the base of Takakkaw Falls, late afternoon. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Takkakaw Falls, mist, and rainbow, late afternoon. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Last light on Takakkaw Falls. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Yoho River, trees, and Cathedral Crags, late afternoon. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Trees and cloud, sunset. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Natural Bridge and Mount Stephens, sunset. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Kicking Horse River flowing through the Natural Bridge. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Mount Burgess reflected in Emerald Lake, sunset. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Woman fishing in Emerald Lake, sunset. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Reeds and Mount Burgess reflected in Emerald Lake, dusk. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white) Lighted cabins and mountains reflected in Emerald Lake at night. Yoho National Park, Canadian Rockies, British Columbia, Canada ( black and white)
There are 15 black and white pictures on this page out of 26 black and white pictures of Yoho NP.