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Cultivated Fields

Black and White Pictures by QT Luong

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Rows of cotton plants. Louisiana, USA (black and white) Aerial view of coffee plantations. Kauai island, Hawaii, USA (black and white) Dzao woman using a water buffao to plow a field, near Tuan Giao. Northwest Vietnam (black and white) Lettuce intensive cultivation. Watsonville, California, USA (black and white) Yellow field with curved plowing patterns, The Palouse. Washington (black and white) Field of agaves near Tequila. Mexico (black and white) Terraced roofs of village above river valley, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (black and white) Scarecrows in field. Hahoe Folk Village, South Korea (black and white) Dzao women raking the fields, near Tuan Giao. Northwest Vietnam (black and white) Field with curved plowing lines, The Palouse. Washington (black and white) Agave field and volcanic rock wall. Mexico (black and white) Stone fence, chortens, cultivations, and village, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (black and white) Fields, greenhouses, and village. Hahoe Folk Village, South Korea (black and white) Plowing the fields with a water buffalo, near Tuan Giao. Northwest Vietnam (black and white) Aerial view of plain, foothills and Sierra de Madre. Mexico (black and white) Cultivated fields, village, gompa, and barren mountains, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (black and white) Villagers cultivating fields by hand in front of straw roofed houses. Hahoe Folk Village, South Korea (black and white) River Valley and cloud shadows, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (black and white) Chortens, cultivated terraces,  and village, Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir. India (black and white) Aerial view plain and Sierra de Madre. Mexico (black and white)
There are 20 Black and White pictures on this page out of 125 Black and White pictures of Cultivated Fields.