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Orchid Species

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

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For most people, the name "orchid" often conjures up only a few dozens of different images, most of them man made hybrids, mass-propagated by the floral industry and widely commercialized for their decorative value. Despite having the largest number of species, equally -if not more- showy and fascinating, the commercial species growers are far and few in between. With the ongoing habitat destruction around the world, there is a heightened interested in preservation and cultivation of orchid species. With that in mind, this image gallery illustrates the splendor of the lesser known orchid species. Most of the images are taken from our home-grown orchid collection. There are many orchid photos on the internet, but the majority of them are close-ups of only the flowers. In this series, the entire plant is included as much as possible in the spirit of a botanical illustration. To achieve this goal without compromising the clarity and details, many of these images are assembled from a series of photographs. Enjoy!

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Telipogon caulescens. A species orchid ( black and white) Microcoelia stolzii. A species orchid ( black and white) Sophronitis mantiquerae. A species orchid ( black and white) Phalaenopsis lindenii. A species orchid ( black and white) Rossioglossum grande. A species orchid ( black and white) Phalaenopsis philippinensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium unicum. A species orchid ( black and white) Trisetella hoejerii. A species orchid ( black and white) Lepanthes calodictyon. A species orchid ( black and white) Barkeria spectabilis. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia richardsoniana. A species orchid ( black and white) Bulbophyllum medusa. A species orchid ( black and white) Bulbophyllum echinolabium. A species orchid ( black and white) Lepanthes escobariana. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium peguanum plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Sophronitis coccinea v. aurea. A species orchid ( black and white) Miltoniopsis bismarkii. A species orchid ( black and white) Trichopilia ramonensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Eurychone rothschildiana. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia ventricularia. A species orchid ( black and white) Acacallis cyanea. A species orchid ( black and white) Acronia nipterophylla. A species orchid ( black and white) Aerangis distincta. A species orchid ( black and white) Aerangis punctata. A species orchid ( black and white) Aerangis stylosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Aeranthes henrici. A species orchid ( black and white) Aeranthes ramosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Amesiella monticola. A species orchid ( black and white) Angraecum distichum. A species orchid ( black and white) Angraecum equitans. A species orchid ( black and white) Angraecum scottianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Arerangis hyaloides. A species orchid ( black and white) Arerangis hyaloides. A species orchid ( black and white) Aspacia lunata. A species orchid ( black and white) Barkeria melanocaulon. A species orchid ( black and white) Bifrenaria harrisoniae. A species orchid ( black and white) Bifrenaria racemosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Bifrenaria silvana. A species orchid ( black and white) Brassavola flagellaris. A species orchid ( black and white) Bulbophyllum annandalei. A species orchid ( black and white) Bulbophytum moniliforme. A species orchid ( black and white) Cadetia species. A species orchid ( black and white) Campanemia adelaiae. A species orchid ( black and white) Campanemia adelaiea. A species orchid ( black and white) Capanemia micromera. A species orchid ( black and white) Capanemia uliginosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Cattleya percilviana 'Sumit'. A species orchid ( black and white) Caucacea nubigera. A species orchid ( black and white) Caucaea mimetica. A species orchid ( black and white) Centroglossa macroceras. A species orchid ( black and white) Centroglossa macroceras. A species orchid ( black and white) Ceratochilus biglandulosus. A species orchid ( black and white) Chondrorhyncha lendyana. A species orchid ( black and white) Chytroglossa marileoniae. A species orchid ( black and white) Cirrhopetalum cinnabarianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Cischweinfia pusilla-p. A species orchid ( black and white) Cleisocentron merrillianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Cochlioda noezliana. A species orchid ( black and white) Coelogyne schilleriana. A species orchid ( black and white) Comparettia macroplectron flower. A species orchid ( black and white) Constantia cipoensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Cryptocentrum latifolium. A species orchid ( black and white) Cuitlauzina (Palumbina) candida. A species orchid ( black and white) Cycnoches barthiorum. A species orchid ( black and white) Cycnoches herenhusanum. A species orchid ( black and white) Cycnoches herenhusanum. A species orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium erythrostylum. A species orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium goeringii. A species orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium pumilum 'Blush'. A species orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium sinense 'Da Mo'. A species orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium tigrinum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium bulbophylloides. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium abberans flower. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium aemulum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium amplum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium cruthwellii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium capilipes. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium chrystianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium chrystianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium dekockii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium cuthbersonii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium lamyaiae. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium falconeri. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium jenkinsii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium kingianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium pachyphyllum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium lichenastrum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium lichenastrum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium loddigessii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium pugioniforme. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium atroviolacicum v. pigmy. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium sulawesiense. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium sulcatum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium teretifolium. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium teretifolium. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrobium violaceum. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrochillum pulcherrima. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrochillum wenzellii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrochilum curranii flower. A species orchid ( black and white) Dendrophylax barrettiae. A species orchid ( black and white) Dichaea pendula. A species orchid ( black and white) Dichaea squarrosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Dickasonia vernicosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Dinema polybulbon. A species orchid ( black and white) Diplocaulobium chrysotropsis. A species orchid ( black and white) Diplocaulobium tentaculata. A species orchid ( black and white) Dipteranthus pellucidus. A species orchid ( black and white) Dockrillia cucumerina. A species orchid ( black and white) Domingoa kienastii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dracula chesterstonii. A species orchid ( black and white) Dressleriella pilossissima. A species orchid ( black and white) Encyclia cochliata v alba. A species orchid ( black and white) Encyclia tampensis alba. A species orchid ( black and white) Encyclia vitellina. A species orchid ( black and white) Epidendrum hugomendinae. A species orchid ( black and white) Epidendrum mathewsii. A species orchid ( black and white) Epidendrum miserum. A species orchid ( black and white) Epigeneium chaparense. A species orchid ( black and white) Eria reptans 'Matsudai'. A species orchid ( black and white) Eria rhombodais. A species orchid ( black and white) Euchile mariae. A species orchid ( black and white) Fernandezia ionantha. A species orchid ( black and white) Galeandra batermanii. A species orchid ( black and white) Gomesa recurva. A species orchid ( black and white) Grosourdya appendiculata. A species orchid ( black and white) Habenaria rhodochiela. A species orchid ( black and white) Hadrolaelia jongheana. A species orchid ( black and white) Hadrolaelia pumila. A species orchid ( black and white) Haraella retrocalca. A species orchid ( black and white) Helcia sanguinolenta. A species orchid ( black and white) Hexisea bidentata. A species orchid ( black and white) Hintonella mexicana. A species orchid ( black and white) Hippiophyllum wenlandianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Holcoglossum amesianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Holcoglossum flavescens. A species orchid ( black and white) Holcoglossum kimballianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Homalopetallum pumilio. A species orchid ( black and white) Homalopetalum pumilio. A species orchid ( black and white) Ida ciliata. A species orchid ( black and white) Inobulbon munificum. A species orchid ( black and white) Ionopsis utricularioides. A species orchid ( black and white) Isabella virginalis. A species orchid ( black and white) Isochillus aurantiacus. A species orchid ( black and white) Kefersteinia mystacina flower. A species orchid ( black and white) Kefersteinia tolimensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Kegeliella astropillosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Laelia dayana v. coerulea. A species orchid ( black and white) Laelia fournieri. A species orchid ( black and white) Laelia speciosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Lemboglossum majale. A species orchid ( black and white) Lepanthes guatalamensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Lepanthes nycterus. A species orchid ( black and white) Lepanthes saltatrix. A species orchid ( black and white) Lepanthes telipogoniflora plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Leptotes bicolor. A species orchid ( black and white) Leptotes pohli-tinocoi. A species orchid ( black and white) Leptotes tenuis. A species orchid ( black and white) Liparis cordifolia. A species orchid ( black and white) Lophiaris nana flower. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste aromatica. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste brevispatha. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste debbie. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste ipala. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste macrophylla. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste occulta. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste skinneri 'Rubrorosea'. A species orchid ( black and white) Lycaste tricolor plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Maccraithea laevifolia. A species orchid ( black and white) Maccraithea prasina. A species orchid ( black and white) Macodes peltota. A species orchid ( black and white) Macroclinium manabinum. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia andreettaeana. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia caesae. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia datura. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia decumata. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia erinacea. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia pallida. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia strobelii. A species orchid ( black and white) Masdevallia veitchiana. A species orchid ( black and white) Maxillaria gracilis. A species orchid ( black and white) Maxillaria grandiflora. A species orchid ( black and white) Maxillaria lehmannii. A species orchid ( black and white) Maxillaria minuta. A species orchid ( black and white) Maxillaria schunkeana. A species orchid ( black and white) Maxillaria sophronitis. A species orchid ( black and white) Mediocalcar decoratum. A species orchid ( black and white) Mediocalcar sp. New Guinea. A species orchid ( black and white) Microcoelia gilpinae. A species orchid ( black and white) Micropera rostrata. A species orchid ( black and white) Miltonia spectabilis v. Morelliana. A species orchid ( black and white) Miltoniopsis phalaenopsis. A species orchid ( black and white) Miltoniopsis roezellii. A species orchid ( black and white) Miltoniopsis vexillaria. A species orchid ( black and white) Mormodes paraensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Mystacidium braybonae. A species orchid ( black and white) Mystacidium gracile. A species orchid ( black and white) Mystacidium venosum. A species orchid ( black and white) Nanodes schlechteriana. A species orchid ( black and white) Neocognauxia hexaptera. A species orchid ( black and white) Neocogniauxia monophylla. A species orchid ( black and white) Neocogniaxia hexaptera. A species orchid ( black and white) Neodryas species. A species orchid ( black and white) Neofinettia falcata. A species orchid ( black and white) Neolauchia puchella. A species orchid ( black and white) Oberonia toppingii. A species orchid ( black and white) Octomeria estrellensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Odontoglossum armatum. A species orchid ( black and white) Odontoglossum tenue. A species orchid ( black and white) Oeceoclades spathulifera. A species orchid ( black and white) Oeoceoclades roseo-variegata. A species orchid ( black and white) Oncidium concolor. A species orchid ( black and white) Oncidium globuliferum. A species orchid ( black and white) Oncidium limingheii. A species orchid ( black and white) Panisea albiflora. A species orchid ( black and white) Paphinia cristata. A species orchid ( black and white) Paphiopedilum barbigerum. A species orchid ( black and white) Paphiopedilum charlesworthii. A species orchid ( black and white) Paphiopedilum delenatii. A species orchid ( black and white) Paphiopedilum helenae. A species orchid ( black and white) Paphiopedilum spicerianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Papillionanthe vandarum. A species orchid ( black and white) Phalaenopsis hongenensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Phalaenopsis pulcherrima. A species orchid ( black and white) Pholidota chinensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Phragmipedilum klothschianum. A species orchid ( black and white) Phymatidium delicatulum. A species orchid ( black and white) Phynchostylis coelestis. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleione formosana1. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis alata. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis amparoana. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis dentipetalla. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis hamosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis melanopoda. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis palliolata. A species orchid ( black and white) Pleurothallis truncata. A species orchid ( black and white) Polystachya vulcanica. A species orchid ( black and white) Polystachya zambesiana. A species orchid ( black and white) Pomatocalpa brachybotryum. A species orchid ( black and white) Promemaea rollinstonii. A species orchid ( black and white) Promenaea xanthina. A species orchid ( black and white) Pteroceras semiteretifolium. A species orchid ( black and white) Rangaeris amaniensis. A species orchid ( black and white) Reichantha striastella. A species orchid ( black and white) Renanthera bella. A species orchid ( black and white) Renanthera monachica. A species orchid ( black and white) Renantherella auyongii. A species orchid ( black and white) Sarcochilus cecilliae plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Schoenorchis fragrans. A species orchid ( black and white) Schoenorchis fragrans. A species orchid ( black and white) Schoenorchis juncifolia. A species orchid ( black and white) Scleochilus latipetalus. A species orchid ( black and white) Scleochilus latipetalus. A species orchid ( black and white) Sigmatostylis guatemala. A species orchid ( black and white) Sobralia allenii. A species orchid ( black and white) Sobralia allenii. A species orchid ( black and white) Solinidiopsis tigriodes. A species orchid ( black and white) Solinidiopsis tigriodes. A species orchid ( black and white) Sophronitis pygmaea. A species orchid ( black and white) Stelis glomerosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Stelis glomerosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Stenia pallida plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Studarettia macroplectron. A species orchid ( black and white) Studarettia speciosa. A species orchid ( black and white) Studarettia splendens. A species orchid ( black and white) Symphoglossum sanguineum. A species orchid ( black and white) Trias cambodiana. A species orchid ( black and white) Trichocentrum candidum. A species orchid ( black and white) Trichopilia tortilis plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Trichosalpinx rotundata plant. A species orchid ( black and white) Trisetella triglochin. A species orchid ( black and white) Tuberolabium kotoense. A species orchid ( black and white) Vanda parviflora. A species orchid ( black and white) Vanda teres. A species orchid ( black and white) Warmingia eugeneii. A species orchid ( black and white) Zootrophion serpens. A species orchid ( black and white) Zygosepalum triste. A species orchid ( black and white) Zygostates alleniana. A species orchid ( black and white) Zygostates grandiflora. A species orchid ( black and white) Zygostates lunata. A species orchid ( black and white)
All the 279 black and white pictures of Orchid Species are on this page