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Bath, England - Other sights

Pictures by QT Luong

photos Next pictures: Canterbury
[1 : Overview]
[2 : City Views]
[3 : Roman Baths and Abbey]
[4 : Pulteney Bridge and River Avon]
[5 : Georgian architecture]
[6 : Other sights]

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Narrow alley at dawn. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Passage and grid. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Shops lining narrow street. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Royal Theatre facade. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Facade of small restaurant. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Facade of restaurant and pub. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Jane Austen centre. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Church, late afternoon. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Stone tombs and grasses below Beckford tower, morning. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Old tombs in cemetery next to Beckford tower. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Tombs and grasses. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color) Beckford tower with topmost gilded belvedere. Bath, Somerset, England, United Kingdom ( color)
There are 12 color pictures on this page out of 81 color pictures of Bath.