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Building Lights

Photos by QT Luong

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Old town roofs and Dome of the Rock by night. Jerusalem, Israel (color) Taipei 101 tower from above at night. Taipei, Taiwan (color) Brisbane reflected in the river at night. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (color) Curry Village tents by night. Yosemite National Park, California, USA. (color) Soledad and Salinas Valley from Chalone Peak at dusk. California, USA (color) Ferris Wheel in motion at nightfall. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California, USA (color) Columns and Baillys facade night. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (color) Bay Bridge and city skyline with lights at sunset. San Francisco, California, USA (color) Hope College (1822), Brown University campus. Providence, Rhode Island, USA (color) Barber shop and tree in bloom, Old Lyme. Connecticut, USA (color) Empress hotel reflected in the Inner Harbour a night. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (color) Reno skyline at night. Reno, Nevada, USA (color) Boats in Beaver Cove Marina at dusk, Greenville. Maine, USA (color) Beach bordered by resorts at night. Mui Ne, Vietnam (color) Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall at night. Boston, Massachussets, USA (color) St Trophime cloister. Arles, Provence, France (color) Bay and Golden Gate at sunset from the Berkeley Hills. Berkeley, California, USA (color) Town square stores by night. Jackson, Wyoming, USA (color) Lower Manhattan seen from the Empire State Building at night. NYC, New York, USA (color) City lights from Victoria Peak by night. Hong-Kong, China (color)
There are 20 photos on this page out of 468 photos of Building Lights.