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Pacific Islanders

Photos by QT Luong

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Dance with fire performed by Samoans. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Villager collecting coconuts into a basket made out of a single palm leaf. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Young man showing an artwork based on traditional siapo designs. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Villagers getting ready for traditional dance, Aua. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Women in front of statue of Charlie the Tuna. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Tonga drummers on stage. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Tatau rite , Aua. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) People and colorful buses. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Villager weaving a basket out of a single palm leaf. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) People in Tahitian dress. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Children in a truck bed. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Children in the water. Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Hawaiian dancers on stage. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Young man drawing an artwork based on traditional siapo designs. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Fiji women playing at a traditional pool table in vale ni bose house. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Women in a colorful bus. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Fiji women sitting at a traditional pool table in vale ni bose (meeting) house. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Sunday women churchgoers dressed in white, Pago Pago. Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa (color) Wedding procession led by torch bearers performed by Tahitian dancers. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Tahitian celebration dance. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color)
There are 20 photos on this page out of 68 photos of Pacific Islanders.