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Pacific Islanders

Images by QT Luong

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Maori woman and man sticking out his tongue. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Traditional Samoan fire knife dance. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Coconut trees, with Samoan man climbing. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Tonga woman showing how to make cloth out of Mulberry bark. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Dance Performance by Maori women. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji tribal chief inside vale levu house. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji man. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Tahitian woman making the traditional welcome gesture. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Woman making a traditional hawaiian quilt. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji women playing a traditional game similar to pool. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji woman using her feet to tie leaves. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Dance performed by Samoa islanders. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Woman quilting. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji man with traditional face painting. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Traditional Samoan fireknife dance. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Samoa islanders performing a slap dance. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Maori woman with facial tatoo. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji woman tying together leaves with her feet. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Performance with Hawaiian dancers. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color) Fiji tribal chief inside vale levu (chief) house. Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu island, Hawaii, USA (color)
There are 20 images on this page out of 68 images of Pacific Islanders.