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Mammoth Cave National Park - Sinkholes and Ponds

Black and White pictures by QT Luong

More pictures of Mammoth Cave Next pictures: Great Smoky Mountains
[1 : Overview]
[2 : Cave Entrance]
[3 : Cave]
[4 : Sinkholes and Ponds]
[5 : Echo and Styx springs]
[6 : Green River]
[7 : Forest]
[8 : Structures]

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Dense vegetation in sinkhole near Turnhole Bend. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Wildflowers and sinkhole near Turnhole Bend. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Close-up of limestone rocks and forest vegetation. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Close-up of moss-covered  rocks and undergrowth. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Even-bedded limestone of the Mississippian Girkin Formation around sinkhole. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Fireflies and sinkhole. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Limestone slabs and overhangs. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Stream, boulders, and fallen leaves. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Stream cascading over limestone rocks. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Limestone cliffs and karstic depression in autumn. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Forest in karstic depression. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Trees and limestome cliffs in autumn. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Forest in fall inside sinkhole. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Forest in autumn and cliffs. Mammoth Cave National Park (Panoramic black and white) Aquatic plants, Sloans Crossing Pond. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Sloans Crossing Pond. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Water lillies and frog, Sloans Crossing Pond. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Close-up of water lillies, Sloans Crossing Pond. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white) Wet place in a dry land Interpretive sign, Sloans Crossing Pond. Mammoth Cave National Park ( black and white)
There are 19 black and white pictures on this page out of 156 black and white pictures of Mammoth Cave.