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Saigon Center - City Hall & Opera House

Pictures by QT Luong

More pictures of Saigon Center Next pictures: Saigon Ben Thanh Market area
[1 : Overview]
[2 : City Hall & Opera House]
[3 : Cathedral & Post Office]
[4 : Other]

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Families gather on moterbikes to watch musical performance. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Family on motorbike watching performance at opera house. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Rooftop view of central Saigon. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Opera House and Hotel Continental at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Opera House (Nha Hat Thanh Pho) at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Light trails and Municipal Theater at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Motorbikes and colonial-area Opera House at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Crowds in front of Opera House at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Opera house at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Rex Hotel seen from above, dusk. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Elevated city view at dusk from Sheraton. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Saigon center at night from above. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Night traffic in front of a sign celebrating the 300 years of Saigon. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Cityscape elevated view at night with dense traffic on streets. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Crowded intersection at night from above, during holidays. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Packed Nguyen Hue boulevard on Christmas eve from above. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Holiday crowds from above. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Traffic from above, intersection of Nguyen Hue and Le Loi. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Heavy motorcycle traffic on Nguyen Hue boulevard at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Traffic circle with light trails, Rex Hotel and City Hall. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Intersection of Le Loi and Nguyen Hue boulevards at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Crowds on Nguyen Hue boulevard on New Year eve. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Le Loi boulevard with decorations and crowds from above. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Plaza and commercial buildings from above at night. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) City Hall square at night from above. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Revellers sitting on street, New Year eve. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Groups in front of City Hall on New Year eve. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) The old Hotel de Ville, one of finest examples of French colonial architecture. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) City townhall and Ho Chi Minh sculpture. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color) Bronze memorial to Ho Chi Minh by artist Diep Minh Chau and city hall. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( color)
There are 30 color pictures on this page out of 97 color pictures of Saigon Center.