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If you think orchids are dainty plants that can not wait to die the moment you turn you back, then try the Cymbidium. They are very rewarding orchids for growers in the temperate zone. Again, the general image of a Cymbidium for most of the population is the standard, corsage type flower or the plant with star-shaped blooms on upright spikes from the potted plant trade. There are more. Recently, Cymbidiums with arching or pendulous flowers are gaining much interest, along with the ultra miniatures that bloom in a 4-inch pot. And then, there are the graceful, fragrant hybrids from the Orient, plus those with cup-shape blooms from the Japanese hybridizers, not to mention the freak clones with stripes petals or multiple floral parts. The images in this gallery are all from our Cymbidium collection.

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Cymbidium Oriental Elf. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Devon Lord 'Viceroy'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium (Firewheel x Looker). A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Alison Shaw 'Christmas Rose'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Rincon Lady 'Zita'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium (Fifi x pumilum Album). A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium (lianpan x Eburneo-lowianum concolor). A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Alice William. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Amapola 'Victoria'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Astronaut 'Rajah' Flower. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Astronaut 'Rajah'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Australian Midnight. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Baltic Sweetheart 'Sarah'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Be-Bop Delux 'Teeny Booper' Flower. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Big Deal 'Debbie'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Big Deal 'Debbie' Flower. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Bulbarrow 'Friar Tuck'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Cherry Blossom 'Profusion'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Cherry Cola 'Geyserland'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white) Cymbidium Cindy Lou 'Bert'. A hybrid orchid ( black and white)
There are 20 black and white pictures on this page out of 157 black and white pictures of Cymbidium.